The Designer Rules: Tips on Adding Color to Your Home Now
Color is wonderful and powerful. It can be soothing and relaxing or energetic and adventurous. It can be anything that you like. As Interior Designer Miles Redd told us, “Colors and its limitless possibilities are an endlessly satisfying past time.”
We at Flaneur recognize how special color is - we’ve spent endless hours discovering the various shades, saturations and tones. We also know that for the past decade, Nordic minimalism and white monochromatic design have left people wondering what the best way is to add color into their homes. Your home should be as warm and vibrant as possible, so we have culled together some top tips from designers on just how to do so.
So - it’s time to pick a color. Any color.
If you’ve got lots of colors and patterns in the space - fret not. Just choose colors that you like from the pattern and let it accent the room.
Designer Mark McCauley - author of “Color Your Home Beautiful” - has a 3/3 vertical rule in decorating any room that is based on nature. Start from dark at the bottom (ground) to light at the top (ceiling).
Blue and green - in general - are more relaxing and restful, so are ideal for a bedroom. Designer Brian Paquette suggest using green and natural tones, such as Myrtle as it brings greenery indoors.
Colors to try: Myrtle, Botanical Garden, Monaco Blue, Forget-Me-Not.
Get inspired by your wardrobe. Designer Kendall Wilkinson suggests that people tend to buy clothes in colors they like to wear and look good in.
Try silvers and grays. Gray has recently been on-trend - Miles Redd suggests mixing it up with silver, that pairs with light blue as they can be “flattering and chic.”
Colors to try: Nimbus Cloud, High Rise.
Contrast warm and cool - designer Brian Ditmar suggests that neutrals will pair beautifully with cool gray and warm honey-colors. Bonus tip - know the difference between warm and cool. Warm colors - reds and yellows - can make a room feel cozy or high-energy. Cool colors - blues and greens - create a sense of calmness and go well together.
Colors to try: Robin's Egg and Blue Danube, Marzipan and Burnt Sienna.
Try monochromatic in your favorite color that isn’t white. You can often balance the color through the contrast of the ceiling and floor.
Colors to try: Ultra Violet, Lavender Fog, Gold Rush.
Stay true to yourself. If you decorate in your own aesthetic and in colors that make you feel happy and are drawn to, people will appreciate it. Even if it isn’t their own style. Any color can work as long as it represents you.
Go historical. If you study color schemes from the past - such as French Rococo or Victorian - you can build on tried and true color schemes. Shop our Color Houses for influence.
For more personalized suggestions, visit www.hiflaneur.com and we’ll provide you a 30-minute color consultation. It’s time to bring color into your life. As the actress Lily Leung says, “When in doubt, choose change.”